3IT'10's BLOG!
Friday, August 13, 2010 / 7:00 PM

Hi people, Sheena here.

Recently on Mr Tan's lit blog, he mentioned notes contribution that would give extra participation points. So I emailed him about it yesterday and this is the reply. I was lazy to forward and I don't have everyone's email addresses, so I'm posting it here. Please read! Notes contribution deadline is on Sunday. It's not compulsory but I think the notes will help.
Instructions are on the lit blog: http://things--fall--apart.blogspot.com

Hi Sheena,
I did not give much "additional information" on the notes-contributions during lesson time with the other classes too. In fact, many other simply followed the instructions on the blog post which I really hoped would have been self-explanatory.
In the past 1-2 lessons (because several other classes missed ONE lesson too) with the other sec 3 lit clases, i basically went through the thought processes that each student ought to go through when considering a fictional character's traits and personality. They were not given "extra" help with the notes contributions as well.
Basically, as I have elaborated on over the blog post, the notes contribution serves two purposes.
One, for the quieter ones who have not been able to adapt fast enough to "participate" in class for the participation points, but are actively participating in their learning journey for Literature, they will be able to "confirm" the attainment of their participation points by contributing one-two sets of notes (which they should have already done in their own time for revision sake). Each week will be worth 2 points max, from week 6-10. That is not to say that those who do not contribute notes will NOT get the participation points. If individuals are vocal in class and participate actively, they would have already gained for themselves a portion of the participation paints. Hence, this notes is not compulsory and is just another means to which individuals can "prove" their participation in these weeks' learning process.

Two, I thought this would be a good way to start students on their own revision. At least this rids students of some inertia to read the book and give it some good thought. In addition, after having only contribution one to two sets of notes, students get back to huge collate set of notes contributed by other students across the level. These notes do not serve as "correct answers" as they will not vetted, but will help the students who involve themselves in this "contribution system" expand their "horizons" and be able to look at things from the perpectives of others. It will not be fair to send these notes out to everyone because after all, the notes are the efforts of the students involved. Thus, this explains the system whereby individuals can only receive the collated copy if they contribute.
I hope this clears the air. The "topics/questions" and format for submission is clearly on the blog. Should u have any more queries, pls let me know. Do forward this e-mail to the rest of your classmates.
My apologies if instructions were not as clear on the blog, but accessing the blog is expected of every sec 3 lit students, as I have already pointed out in week 1. So it is not exactly valid for students to reason that they weren't informed of this notes contribution system. Many who contributed notes were not verbally informed during lesson time prior to their notes submission. They were basically, the exact group of people I was aiming to reach out to - those who were already actively participating in their learning very own learning journey. =)
I hope your classmates and you jump on board.
Have a great weekend.
Take care,
Mr Tan.
PS: My apologies for the typo errors in this mail, if any.
2010/8/13 sheena koh
Hi Mr Tan,

Regarding your blog post on Aug 2, "Participation: Contribution of Notes", I would like to ask you what it is about, because my class has already missed your lessons for 2 weeks, and thus we have not started on TFA yet. I am aware the deadline for submission is on Sunday midnight, and my classmates and I would like to be able to have a chance of procuring the compiled notes. Thanks!

-Sheena, 3IT
Ya that's about it.





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